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Thank You x 3275!

Many of you know, as part of this Oregon PCT hike, we had a goal of raising $2000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in honor of Josh Hopwood, the son of good friends Mark and Denise Hopwood. We want to thank everyone who clicked on the LL&S logo at and donated to our fundraiser. We exceeded our goal, raising $3275!!! Nice work everyone, your incredible generosity was much appreciated and very humbling.

My wife, Trish, made it to Government Camp after lunch and took me to collect our Timberline Lodge reward at the base of Mt. Hood. Timberline Lodge was used for a number of the shots for the movie The Shining with Jack Nicholson. I finally received my up close and personal visit with the northern most volcano in Oregon. "Honey, I'm home." You have to see the movie. If you ever thought of staying at the Timberline Lodge, we highly recommend the visit. Spectacular isn't enough to describe the view, and the pictures don't do it justice, but here are a few just in case you are interested. There are skiers up on that glacier. Thanks again for all the support and following along. As the Loonie Toon's sign off said, "That's All Folks."

About Me.

I'm a double hip recipient approaching 60 but I'm not ready to stop exploring the wilderness.  I'm documenting my goal to be the first of my kind to hike the state of Oregon on the PCT, July 2018.  Subscribe below to follow my progress.  Thanks! 

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