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Day 21, my last day on the PCT in Oregon, and I'll be out a day early! Two years of planning and training comes down to this final hike. Today's hike, like the last three, epitomized why the Oregon section of the PCT is nicknamed "The Green Tunnel". I am approaching Mt. Hood and getting no views of the mountain. A massive volcano is right in front of me and I can't see it.

No matter, I have no charge left in my phone to take pictures and my Garmin satellite transmitter dies 4 miles from my destination of Frog Lake. Those who were following my progress were able to log onto my website and click on the "Where's Samuel Now" button and pinpoint my location on the trail. I tried to let Trish know not to be alarmed if I disappeared from the map, I knew it was coming.

With only 8.5 miles today, I was out before lunch time. I had plans to camp at Frog Lake and Trish would pick me up at the trailhead parking lot tomorrow. She had a feeling my plan would change and she was right. I just couldn't call her to let her know. I hiked down to the campground but because I'm out a day early, on Saturday, the campground is full. Anyway, the cost was $23, which as you already know if you have been reading along, I didn't have. I decided to hike back up to the parking lot and see if there were any trail campsites where I could hang out for the night. There were none. What to do, what to do?

The town of Government Camp was six miles away down Hwy 26. I decided to hitchhike into town to see if I could find a place to stay and maybe get a shower. I didn't have to wait long, considering the professional looking hitchhiker sign I created. A couple and their big yellow lab pulled over to pick me up. They had just returned from hiking the Dolomites in Italy. They understood the issues with transportation and regularly gave rides to PCT hikers. They commented they kept the windows down because of the dog smell and that if I wanted to roll the windows up that would be fine. I suggested the dog was probably less offensive than me so we agreed to leave the windows down.

Another great decision! Government Camp is very cool and caters to adventure seekers to Mt. Hood. Mountain bikers, skiers, PCT hikers etc. were the common humans in town.

A couple guys bought me a beer at the bar and grill, above right pic, to celebrate the completion of my hike. I ordered a cheeseburger and fries and another beer and settled in to charge my phone and contact Trish. I had one of the patrons take a picture which is when I first saw how much weight I had lost. See the before and after pictures below. My gut is gone!!

I found a hotel room at a golf resort down the hill and learned to ride the local bus to get there. I had a great dinner at the resort and then caught the bus back to Government Camp the next morning. I did some laundry at the local laundromat, and then had lunch while I waited for Trish to make the drive up from Portland. I am so looking forward to the big reward, two nights at Timberline Lodge on Mt. Hood!

About Me.

I'm a double hip recipient approaching 60 but I'm not ready to stop exploring the wilderness.  I'm documenting my goal to be the first of my kind to hike the state of Oregon on the PCT, July 2018.  Subscribe below to follow my progress.  Thanks! 

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